Friday Fotos

A few pictures from this week:
Flowers on the tundra
Beautiful ice on the shore:

1:17 AM (that’s the sun!)
and last, but not least
tundra fashion:
shorts, hoody and rubber boots!

We are LOVING life here!


Filed under Alaska, Boys, Kotzebue

15 responses to “Friday Fotos

  1. Amy

    It's warm enough to wear shorts? What's the temp? Did you get my package yet?

  2. Kat

    You can wear shorts? Are ya'll dealing with flooding as the snow melts?You are just on the grandest of adventures…

  3. Lee Ann

    Thrilled that you're LOVING life there!

  4. Kris

    The shorts are so your not wearing wet pant legs all day.(right?)

  5. Gramma 2 Many

    Isn't it amazing how quickly the snow is gone and the flowers are blooming?

  6. The excavator

    Looks like the state bird of Alaska hasn't arrived just yet. (Skeeter) Gotta love the days when the weather cooperates in Kotz, it's beautiful.

  7. Elena

    Can't believe its so light in the middle of the night. I mean, I've always heard it did that there, but to really see it is awesome. LOVE the rubber boots!

  8. Gina

    Hey! The roads are paved!

  9. Meredith

    LOVE the pictures!! I feel so out of the loop without facebook, so I LOVE the pictures!

  10. Dee

    Praising God that you are lovin the adventure that God gave you. I'm tempted to drive up and see you! I know you will do well with your training! Enjoy the trip.

  11. Homestay Mama

    Flowers? Who'd a thunk it! I thought that far north would only see snow.So glad you are loving it there. We are loving living vicariously through your adventure.

  12. Mom Taxi Julie

    I bet that makes for a long day lol.

  13. Sarah

    Very cool. I'm in shorts for the fist time in many many years. It wasn't warm enough in GA or MD apparently. See, I don't like my legs so I hide them in jeans all.the.time. Well, it's very warm in HI and it's time to admit swimming in sweat is no fun no matter what shape I'm your adventure.

  14. Lynne Paulus

    kids are nuts, is all I can say! Seeing these photos is still surreal for me to picture you guys living there in the frozen Tundra! So glad you are loving it! I am still in shock after seeing those prices!

  15. bringing up boys

    Tricia, got something for you on my blog. come and get it!

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